Social Psychology Syllabus


Professor:  Dr. Travis Langley

Required textbooks:
Social Psychology, by Myers.

This course is designed to provide an overview of the scientific study of how people interact.  Topics of discussion include social behavior, intimate relationships, aggression, prejudice, propaganda, various means of intentional and unintentional manipulation.


Chapters 1-4

Chapters 5-8, module A

Chapters 9-12

Chapters 13-16


You must come to campus to take the final exam at one of these times:
* Tuesday, December 13, 3:00 p.m.
* Thursday, December 15, 3:00 p.m.


Each unit will conclude with a 40‑item multiple choice exam covering lecture notes, assigned readings, and class discussion. Bring number 2 pencils for every test. If you have trouble making complete erasures, simply ask the professor for a clean answer sheet. Any answer marked wrong due to an incomplete erasure is simply wrong. Carefully follow all instructions when taking the test and when turning it in. (Please note: This and anything else herein is subject to change, correction, or other revision.)

There will be NO makeup tests, so don’t even ask unless you’ve missed two tests and can prove you had great reasons for both excused absences. As long as you do not miss any tests, your lowest test will be dropped, unless it is the final exam. If you do miss a regular test but have an excused absence, the missing test will be the one that gets dropped. Don’t miss the final; you can’t drop it. The final will weigh the same as two tests in figuring your grade, which means it’s one third of your overall grade.


Test questions range in difficulty to get an accurate idea of exactly how much you know and understand about the course material. They provide a very accurate indication of how much each person does and does not know compared to everybody else in the class. I do not feel it is right to establish a curve based on the highest grade in the class, in which case only one score would determine everyone’s grade. The scale on the 40‑point tests (although bonus credit makes them worth more than 40) is simply this:

F <‑‑ 20.0          D 20.1 ‑ 25.0          C 25.1 ‑ 30.0          B 30.1 ‑ 35.0        A 35.1 ‑‑>

The professor also reserves the right to subtract any number of points from the grade of someone who disrupts class (which includes monopolizing discussion or talking over the professor), or to assign a course grade of F to someone caught cheating. Anyone caught cheating will also be referred for University disciplinary measures.

Keep track of your own grades (numerical values, not just the letter grades). If you are not in class on the day when a test is returned graded, you can learn the score on that test when the next test is returned graded.

Writing   Across   the Curriculum:   The last question on every test except the final will be “What else did you learn from the current course material that was not otherwise covered by this test?” For that question, you will need to explain concepts in complete sentences, making certain that you are not simply copying the wording as it appears in the book. Convince me you understand.

There can be other essay questions to assess your understanding of material. The next to last question on each test other than the final will be a diagnostic question like those you will see on the final.


The strongest correlate with poor grades in any class is absenteeism. Poor attendance, therefore, punishes itself. Anyone who does not attend class at all during the first week will be dropped (because apparently they’re not really taking the class). The professor reserves the right to drop anyone for profound absenteeism. If you aren’t here when roll is taken, the reason does not matter. Do not tell me that you’re going to miss class or why you missed after the fact. If you miss class, you are responsible for getting copies of the notes from fellow students.

Class participation, however, will be more likely to help your grade than signing a roll sheet.


If your phone rings or vibrates loudly enough for your professor to hear it during class, every ring is a classroom disruption and can cost you points. If it rings once, make sure it does not ring a second time.

Do not text during class because that is distracting to others. If you need to be on your phone that badly, then you need to be somewhere else.

Your phone and other electronic devices must be OFF and OUT OF SIGHT during tests. You are responsible for making sure you cannot even see your phone during the test. If your phone, iPod, or anything else that could contain notes is visible, that will be treated as cheating because too many students use their phones to cheat. I do not have to confirm what was on your phone or related item.

Don’t use computers to take classroom notes. Sorry, but too many professors have run into problems with people distracting other students by sitting there surfing the Internet.


The best way to contact your professor is via email at

If you do not normally use your email address, you MUST set it up to forward messages to you because if I have to email a message to the class, that’s where the system will send it. You are responsible for making certain you are set up to receive messages from your professor.

Students with disabilities:  Individuals who may need academic accommodation based on the impact of a documentable disability (e.g.: sensory, learning, psychological, medical, mobility) should contact the Disability Resource Center for assistance.  For more information, visit the DRC website at

The schedule and other details in this syllabus may be subject to revision.


In groups of three to five, you will all create videos. Each video will educate viewers about a classic study in social psychology.

Those who complete their videos earliest will be graded slightly more leniently.  Grades for the presentations will be based on quality of presentations, educational value, and amount of work reflected.  Each presentation will be worth 40 points, the same as a test.

As long as everyone in the group feels that all have pulled their weight, a group grade will be assigned, with adjustments for individual efforts and quality of presentation.

Point value for presentations:

A+ 40 B+ 35 C+ 30 D+ 25 E+ 20 F          10
A  38.3 B  33.3 C  28.3 D  23.3 E  18.3 0          0
A- 36.6 B- 31.6 C- 26.6 D- 21.6 E- 16.6

Examples of classic studies:
Milgram, authoritarian obedience
Sherif, Robbers Cave
Bandura, Bobo doll
Asch, conformity
Bryan & Test, flat tire
Festinger & Carlsmith, cognitive dissonance
Triplett, social facilitation vs. social loafing
Darley & Latane, bystander apathy
Bargh et al., stereotypes
Nisbett & Wilson, halo effect
Doob & Gross, status and horn honking
Rosenthal & Jacobson, Pygmalion effect
Zimbardo, prison simulation

Each of you will have to complete a SurveyMonkey form indicating exactly who did what on each video before I assign a grade.

In addition to working on your own video, you must provide a little help on at least one other group’s video. For example, you might be one of the extras in a crowd scene.


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