How Those Online Assignments Get Graded

For most of the Internet assignments, you’re being graded for simply doing them. For most assignments, you get one point for each response you’re required to post. When you’re told to take a practice quiz, that’s not really worth a point because it’s for your own practice, but you get penalized if you don’t do it.

1 point – Post your response. Follow the instructions. Do not plagiarize.
1/2 point – You followed some of the instructions correctly but did not follow them all.
0 point – You responded but followed instructions barely or not at all. If instructions say something such as not to use a topic or term already covered by any other student, only the one who did it first gets the point. The later person gets 0.
-1 point – You get negative credit for not doing the assignment at all, and this contributes to your risk of getting dropped from the class. That means you did not post the response where you were supposed to post it. Emailing it to your professor does not count at all.

So if you just do the assignment and follow directions, you get a point. It’s that simple when you do it. Note, though, that if the instructions say some thing like “read the chapter” but your response indicates that you did not actually read the chapter, that means you did not follow the directions.

When an assignment says to post one response, that’s one point. When an assignment says to post several responses (such as 4), that’s one point per response (so four points total in that example). Sometimes there will be an assignment when you have to post one response on the class’s discussion forum plus a response on another website, in which case both responses count and add up to two points. Sometimes the assignment tells you that it is simply worth more based on the amount of work.