Captain America vs. Iron Man Review Excerpts


“These titles are very telling and readers can either delve into the specific subjects they are most interested in or start at the beginning and methodically follow Langley’s thought process as he examines the never ending debate of origins, missions, and ideals. Regardless of your views, there is a lot of thought provoking information in this book.
“The embattled heroes of our favorite comics have a lot more to deal with than just the bad guys. Stan Lee has made a living pointing out that “with great powers, comes great responsibility.” Travis Langley has pulled together an entertaining collection of essays in Captain America vs. Iron Man: Freedom, Security, Psychology to discuss these great responsibilities. It is the perfect companion for the philosophical fan who wants to gain a better understanding of what it means to be a hero or for the casual fan who just left the theater wanting to slip into their hero’s shoes.” – Ricky L. Brown, Amazing Stories

“… a thought-provoking collection…
“concise insight…steadily building from one idea to the next.”
Henry Chamberlain, Comics Grinder

“…an excellent example of how psychology can be applied beyond mere case studies and real-life events. Discussing theories from areas such as cognitive, developmental, moral and social psychology, the editor, Travis Langley, and the book’s many contributors apply psychology in such a novel way that is sure be of interest to both psychology readers and comic-book fans alike.
“Psychologists often express an ambition to spread the word of psychology beyond their own specialist circles. By entering the world of comic books, Captain America vs. Iron Man is inviting the fans of the comic books and the films into the world of psychology…. By not getting bogged down in the arguments and complexities that often alienate non-psychology readers, Captain America vs. Iron Man serves as a simple yet engaging companion to both the fans of the Marvel universe and the fans of psychology.”
The Psychologist, British Psychologist Society

“While some elements of the Marvel Cinematic Universe are cited in the essay topics…the unauthorized book actually focuses more on the characters we’ve come to love through the years of Marvel Comics….

“…varied and educated looks at not just Steve Rogers and Tony Stark but ourselves.” – Retroist

“Recommending reading.” – Billy Steele, Engadget

“…a fascinating array of interpretive angles grounded in psychology…” – The Pop Mythologist

“This book is wonderfully fascinating and helps shine a whole new light on comics, and the critical implications of these stories. You are even treated to a forward written by Stan Lee and his view on the deeper meanings of comic book characters. If you’re looking to delve deeper into the mythos, crack this open immediately.” – Laura Cerrone, Geek Chic Elite

“Brilliantly written. The writing style’s great. It’s not over your head, so you don’t have to take Psychology 101 to understand…. It’s just a really great book. I definitely recommend you check it.” – Otakus & Geeks

“Awesome book.” – Fandomania

Good Reads for Great Dads selection – Tampa Bay Times

“They know their subject matter, and they’ve got true geek cred. While each essay is concise, a wealth of analysis can be found within…. 5/5” – Lisa Dullard, The Bearded Trio

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