Multicultural Mental Health (2024)


Professor: Dr. Travis Langley

Required textbook: None.
Required readings: Plenty (many through


PSY 3053 Multicultural Mental Health.  This course examines non-Western perspectives on mental health, including issues of psychological science, diagnosis, and treatment. Culture-bound syndromes rarely found in Western society are explored. Coverage includes social and cultural determinants of psychopathology and the range of problems in individuals, families, and communities; mental health of indigenous peoples, ethnocultural minorities, immigrants, and refugees; cultural views on related issues; mental health issues among native Americans and other citizens of non-Western/non-European descent; and the influence of Eastern philosophy on areas of contemporary psychology, views toward mental health, and how the mentally ill are treated.


Students must come to campus to take the 60-minute final exam at one time listed below. The final is 60 minutes long instead of 2 hours because the other hour is for you to have time when you can get your project completed and turn it in. (The discussion forum will specify exactly when the project is due.)

Final Exam (60 minutes)


  • Monday of finals week, 4:00-5:00
  • Location: McBrien Hall, room 311


  • TBD

Bring Scantron sheet and #2 pencil.

You are NOW responsible for making sure you can and will take your test at the scheduled time. Do not ask to take it early or late unless you have other finals at the time(s) listed above, and if so, tell me as soon as possible. It’s no big deal if I need to add an extra time slot, but we all need to know that soon so I can make that time available as an option that anybody in the class can choose. If you have a conflict, tell me immediately. Otherwise, you might not be allowed to take the final at another time. Find out NOW when all your finals will be held. Finals schedule:

The final exam is cumulative and covers any assignments including your project. So take notes along the way. Make sure you know the most important concepts, prominent terms, and particularly the main point of each assigned reading or video.


20% PowerPoint project
20% Assignments before midsemester grade entry
20% Other assignments after midsemester grade entry
40% Cumulative Final

If you do everything you’re supposed to do and do it all correctly, you’ll go into the final with an A for assignments. (The PowerPoint gets graded after everything else.)

If you miss a couple of Internet assignments or do several assignments incorrectly, you should go into the final with a B. Each assignment you miss is worth negative credit, and some students underestimate how much each missed assignment can damage the grade.

To have a lower grade before the final, you could do every assignment but do the work poorly and repeatedly fail to follow instructions OR miss more assignments after the last time the professor drops students (and you won’t know when that will be). If you miss three or more assignments, you are likely to get DROPPED FROM THE CLASS WITH NO FURTHER WARNING. This is your warning.
Assignments get tallied at midterm and again at the end of the semester. There’s no grade to report along the way because you should already know if you’re doing the work or not and you should notice if you get dropped from the class. Every semester, there are people who get dropped for missing assignments and they do not manage to plead their way back into the class. These are easy assignments. Do them.
Specific assignments listed in the Discussions section will guide you through the process of completing your PowerPoint project. Your project gets graded at the end of the semester, after everything else. If you only meet the minimum requirements for the PowerPoint, you become less likely to make an A in the class. Do more.
The “total” or “average” shown in Canvas for the class can be misleading when it includes things that do not count as part of your grades and leaves out some things that do. Ignore that number.


We will never use chat rooms and you will not have to be online at any specific time of day to do the assignments. Chat room technology for that is still too awkward, not every student’s computer will be able to handle it, and part of the reason for taking an online class is to keep your time flexible.

To do your assignments, check the forum in the Discussions section for this class several times each week. You should not go more than two weekdays in a row without checking the forum. You will either do each assignment on that forum or learn from the forum where to go to do each task. Each response you’re required to make counts as one point simply for following the instructions or minus one point (-1, negative credit) if you don’t do it. You will have several assignments every week. The week’s assignments are posted on the  discussion forum by the end of each Wednesday, and they often appear earlier in the week. If you see no new assignments by Thursday, ask the professor in case of a Canvas error. Because missing an assignment in an online class counts as missing class, anyone who fails to do three or more of the assignments may be dropped from the course without further notice.

The deadline for each assignment is 5 minutes until midnight at the end of each Saturday except when clearly stated otherwise. You can get half credit for up to three assignments completed Sunday – three, no more. No later work will be accepted. Meet the deadlines. Some of them cannot be done late at all.

A few students misunderstand what a “private” topic is on the discussion forum. It is simply one where you cannot see other students’ responses. It is a regular assignment just like anything else, worth the same as other assignments. Do not skip them.

If you wait until that last day and something goes wrong that keeps you from doing the assignment, well, you should have done it earlier because you’ll normally have several days to complete each task. If your Internet is out all day, you are responsible for going somewhere with Internet access. If your wifi is out, you can probably use your phone to create a hotspot with access. The Internet is all around us, the ways to access it are many, and you have chosen to take an online class. Internet access is your responsibility.

If you are unable to post your assignment because your attachment is too large, do not email it to your professor. So far, the only reason any student’s PowerPoint file has ever been too large to post has been because it included one or more images that were too large. Check each image’s file size before you add it to your PowerPoint. If file size is not the problem, the only other reasons any student has had posting have been because they timed out or they skipped a step. Uploading the file, attaching the file, and posting your response are all separate steps. If you are unable to post your assignment on time for any reason, do not email it to your professor. Emailing it does not count. When it comes time to grade your assignments, your professor will only look in the place where the instructions told you to put it. Nobody gets special treatment for failing to follow instructions or extra time for waiting until they did not have enough time left to complete and post by the deadline.

You will complete the course orientation and take a few quizzes online through Canvas. Don’t take any specific quiz until you see the discussion forum tell you to do so, usually a week before finals, although feel free to retake them as often as you want as part of reviewing for the final.


The professor reserves the right to subtract any number of points from the grade of someone who disrupts class, whether online or in person. Any assignment may be reevaluated, regraded, or rescored if necessary due to suspected violation of academic integrity, data entry error, or related reasons.

Anyone caught cheating will receive a course grade of F and will be referred for University disciplinary measures. A single instance of plagiarism, impersonation, or having another person or software to do your work in any task counts as cheating. For more on academic integrity, follow the link to part II of this syllabus.


While you enjoy great flexibility in taking this course online, you and you alone are responsible for your success. It requires motivation and devotion. Follow instructions and complete all your work before the deadlines.


For an online course, the easiest way to contact me with questions or comments is by e-mail. Write me at (not via the Canvas message system or I might not see it) any time and I will respond after I see the message if a reply is necessary. If you cannot e-mail me, you will need to leave a message on my voicemail at  (870)230-5222. E-mail works best, though. Every time you send me a message without saying who you are or which course you’re talking about (not just in your subject line because that doesn’t immediately show in some apps) and whether you’re in section 01 or 02, you can lose a point from your grade for Internet assignments, just as you can lose a point every time you could have found your answer by checking the syllabus instead of cluttering the email. We all get too much email. Be responsible and keep those points.

I will need to send messages to the class sometimes through the Canvas message system. However, do not use that system to message me because I might not see them. If you need to contact your professor, email me directly:

If I can help you with anything else, always feel free to ask. Every online class is different, so do not be embarrassed when you occasionally goof here or there. That’s part of the learning process, and I’ll endeavor to help you get things running smoothly.

Syllabus Part II: Expected Learning Outcomes, Computer Tips, Disability Services
(not covered by syllabus quiz)

Any information in this syllabus may be subject to change, correction, or other revision.